Prelude to Summer: Pea & Herb Lamb Ragù with Rigatoni

So we certainly blew right past that single week of “windows open” good weather and are fully feeling the prelude to the sweatbox that is the mid-Altantic Summer. Despite my chagrin about the uptick in personal perspiration, the warmer temperatures do mean an ever increasing bounty is available at the local markets. My Saturday ritual visit to the 32 Street Farmers Market has born exciting new produce and products week over week. This recipe is inspired by some of this weeks prizes brought by the impending Summer. First off, the “Pea Man” of McCarthy farms in Caroline County was back at the market with his bright, cruncy, sweet freshly shucked peas, and I was able to score three pounds. It’s also scape season, which is fleeting but not to be missed. Scapes are the green stems from hard neck garlic, and they are a super versatile addition to any allium repertoire. You can eat them raw in salads, roast with a little olive oil, saute into a sauce (as in this recipe) or use as a substitute for garlic in pesto, for example, which I am planning on doing later this week. I found some gorgeous little green tentacles (it’s what scapes resemble, whatever) at the Farm Alliance stand and snapped them right-up. I also got my hands on some Liberty Delight Farms ground lamb. Liberty Delight is a local sustainable farm selling everything from rabbit to oxtail so I always make a pass by to see what inspires me. They typically grow all of their animal feed on the farm, and supplement with overflow from others nearby to reduce waste. It’s a model I definitely support as an alternative to sourcing from the industrial meat complex. I highly recommend checking them out, and for you meat lovers, they have a weekly farm share for all your carnivore needs. Rounding out the meal is the requisite pasta, this time a bag of Rigatoni, from you guessed it, Impasta Artisans, not officially my go-to carb brand. 

This recipe is super simple and intended to highlight the fresh ingredients I just described. I chose to go with oregano as my main herb to impact flavor, but as mint, rosemary or ther herbs also go well with lamb you could really go with whatever is fresh and abundant. I also chose to make this a rustic ragù in the form of a loose wine and butter based sauce, I felt like any additional acid like tomatoes or a cream would take away from the freshness of the scapes and peas. Finally, one important thing to note is adding the peas in late in the preparation. Peas are super easy to overcook, and quickly become mushy, nobody likes those over the age of 2. Not to mention, the fresh green beauties I picked up had such a lovely crunch, I definitely wanted to preserve their texture and color by only cooking until just warm. Check out the tutorial on my YouTube channel Christopher Cooks and Enjoy!


  • ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil

  • 2 tbsp. Butter

  • 1 cup grated pecorino romano - divided

  • ½ cup dry white wine

  • 2 tsp. dried oregano

  • 2 sprigs fresh oregano 

  • 2 pinches crushed red pepper

  • 2 cloves garlic, minced

  • 2 garlic scapes, small dice

  • 1 small shallot, minced

  • 1 lb fresh green peas, shucked and rinsed well

  • 1 lb ground lamb

  • 1 lb fresh pasta,

    • I used Rigatoni, but any shorter shape will work, I would not suggest anything long like linguini

  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper


  • Heat ¼ cup oil in a large saute pan over medium heat. Add shallots and cook, stirring often, for about 2 minutes. Add the lamb, garlic, and scapes and cook, undisturbed until lamb begins to brown, delglaze with white wine and cook until reduced by half. Reduce heat, add dried oregano, butter, ½ of the pecorino, crushed red pepper, and peas. Stir ensuring evenly incorporated and all ingredients are hot, remove from heat. Taste, and season with salt and pepper as needed.

  • Meanwhile, cook the pasta until just al dente or slightly under-done. Add to your sauce and toss ensuring pasta is evenly coated. Serve immediately topped with more pecorino & fresh oregano.